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Distinguished Features

To nurture qualified talents in theatrical performances and theories, the Department offers all-round courses and hands-on training. What is unique about us is that to provide systematic training for theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, the postgraduate and undergraduate programs are connected through graduation productions and internships of exhibitions and performances.

To enlighten and inspire:

In addition to the equal emphasis on theories and practice, the Department especially highlights how to conceive a work of art. Utilizing the theoretical knowledge learned in class, students are expected to produce their own works. Through the processes of productions, they are able to accumulate hands-on experiences and enhance competence.

Interdisciplinary and multimedia-aided teaching:

Looking back to tradition and resorting to modern and multimedia production skills, the Department opens the gate for the co-production of musicals and operas with the Department of Music.

Theatre designing:

Our primary focus is on stage design, and secondly on costume and lighting design. The history of development of arts and study on stylistics are also stressed to provide students on stage productions that present not only spatial structures also visual pleasure.

Systematic training of scriptwriting, acting, producing, and management:

Besides courses on acting, directing, designing, and theories, the Department offers courses on arts management so students are provided with a full-scale education of theatrical productions.


For students taking courses on
Exhibition and Performance Design, the Department offers small-class teaching and tutoring. Outside classrooms, the close interactions between teachers and students help pass on the experiences and knowledge.

International cooperation and student exchange programs:
Through the educational excellence program, the Department builds bridges with internationally well-known theatres. We provide outstanding undergraduates and postgraduates with opportunities to apply for overseas internship. By doing so, not only can students build up international perspectives, but they can also obtain multicultural stimuli for broadening perspectives on productions and thinking.