

康尹貞 副教授



PhD, Department of the Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia,   

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

2009-2014 倫敦大學亞非學院中國與內亞語言文化系博士   

2002~2006 國立臺灣大學中國文學研究所碩士,2006年畢業

1998~2002 國立臺灣大學中國文學系學士,2002年畢業


2021-2023 佛光大學中國文學與應用學系副教授

2016-2021 佛光大學中國文學與應用學系助理教授

2015                  國立臺南大學國語文學系助理教授(兼任)



2014                國立臺南大學國語文學系講師(兼任)


2007-2009 國立臺南大學國語文學系講師(兼任)

2007    南臺科技大學通識教育中心講師(兼任)





  • 康尹貞(2023年)。日治時期台灣戲曲「台灣主題」之形成。2021戲曲國際學術研討會暨祝賀曾永義院士八秩榮慶論文集(ISBN9789869860864)。台灣,台北:國立台灣戲曲學院。
  • Kang, Yin-Chen. The Rise and Fall of Cultural Theatre and New Theatre, from the 1920s to the 1960s. A Century of Development in Taiwan: From Colony to Modern Sate (ISBN: 978-180-0880153). UK: Edward Elgar. 2022: 266-290.
  • 康尹貞(20199月)。從1718世紀大員/安平、府城、臺灣縣戲劇文獻看華人戲劇在臺灣的傳播途徑與傳播中心。南瀛歷史、社會與文化V:早期南瀛(ISBN978-986-05-9884-1)(287-325)。台灣,台南:台南市政府文化局。
  • 康尹貞(20197月)。戰前臺灣日人商業劇場的黃金時代──以1913年為例之觀察。戲劇學刊,30, 7-58
  • 康尹貞(20177月)。新劇、歌劇、新歌劇、文化劇——古倫美亞曲盤所反映的日治時期現代戲劇形式與主題。戲劇學刊,26, 21-57
  • 康尹貞(201612月)。1928~1932年台灣放送節目表、收音機專欄與兒童節目的誕生──以《台灣日日新報》、《台南新報》「收音機欄」(ラヂオ欄)與「兒童時間」(子供の時間)為初步觀察對象。歷史、藝術與台灣人文論叢,11, 203-232
  • 康尹貞(20151月)。日治時期臺灣戲曲之研究(1895-1937)。戲劇學刊,21, 47-72


  • 康尹貞(20219月)。日治時期台灣戲曲「台灣主題」之形成。2021年戲曲國際學術研討會,台灣,台北。
  • 康尹貞(20216月)。20世紀初的臺灣多媒體劇場─日治時期連鎖劇在臺灣。台灣與東亞的文本·圖像·視聽文化國際學術論壇,新加坡、線上。
  • Kang, Yin-Chen (2020, Oct). A Dream of ModernityThe Rise and Fall of Bun-Hua-Kiok (Cultural theatre) and Sin-Kiok (New Theatre), from the 1920s to the 1960s. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHINESE STUDIES, Annual Conference, Denver, USA.
  • 康尹貞(201710月)。從1718世紀府城、安平、臺灣縣戲曲文獻看戲曲在台灣的傳播途徑與傳播中心。第五屆南瀛研究國際學術研討會,台灣,台南。
  • 康尹貞(20176月)。台灣大正時期日人劇場探微--以1914年《台灣日日新報》演藝新聞為觀察對象。文學與文化國際學術研討會,日本,京都。
  • 康尹貞(201611月)。從古倫美亞台灣唱片看古典戲曲向現代戲劇的蛻變。傳統、遞進與發展—2016 馬來西亞中國古典詩歌國際學術研討會,馬來西亞,金寶。
  • 康尹貞(20146月)。從曲盤《蓮英托夢》、《河妹慘史》看歌仔戲、採茶戲的現代性並論「胡撇仔」的起源。第三屆臺灣戲劇(曲)史青年學者學術研討會,台灣,台北。
  • Kang, Yin-Chen (2014, May). The Modern Construction of the Study of Taiwanese Classical Theatre by Japanese in the Pre-War Time during the Japanese Colonial Period. 臺灣戲劇研究的回顧與前瞻國際學術研討會,台灣,台北。
  • Kang, Yin-Chen (2012, June). The Birth of the Consciousness of Native Language and the Formation of Taiwanese Theatre, 1900s to 1930s. 第一屆臺灣戲劇(曲)史青年學者學術研討會,台灣,台北。


  • 112年度:【影響台灣現代劇場的第三片日本拼圖──戰前日本歌劇在台傳播之研究(I)】NSTC 112-2410-H-431-007 -(執行期間2023.8~2024.7
  • 110年度:【現代戲劇初登台──日治時期新派劇在台灣之傳播與影響(1895~1920年代)】MOST 110-2410-H-431 -013 -MY2(執行期間2021.8~2023.7
  • 108年度:【20世紀初的多媒體劇場──臺灣日治時期連鎖劇之研究】MOST 108-2410-H-431-008-(執行期間:2019.8~2021.7
  • 107年度:【失落於劇場史的黃金時代--台灣大正時期日人商業 劇場之研究(II)】MOST 107-2410-H-431-012 -(執行期間:2018.8~2020.7
  • 106年度:【失落於劇場史的黃金時代--台灣大正時期日人商業劇場之研究(I)】MOST 106-2410-H-431-001 -(執行期間:2017.8~2018.7






  1. PhD Degree, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia. 2014

  1. MA Degree, National Taiwan University 

Chinese Language and Literature. 2006

  1. BA Degree, National Taiwan University

Chinese Language and Literature. 2002


  1. Associate Professor
      • Department of Chinese Literature and Application, Fo Guang University. 2021~2023

  1. Assistant Professor
      • Department of Chinese Literature and Application, Fo Guang University. 2016~2021
      • Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National University   

 of Tainan. 2015 (part-time)

      • Department of History, Soochow University. 2015 (part-time)
      • Center of General Education, Southern Taiwan University. 2015 (part-


  1. Lecturer
      •  Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National University   

  of Tainan. 2014 (part-time)

      • Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National University   

 of Tainan. 2007~2009 (part-time)

      • Center of General Education, Southern Taiwan University. 2007 (part-



  1. Dissertation Fellowship for ROC Students Abroad, awarded by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. 2012
  2. Thrice awarded “Best Actor” in annual “National Students’ Beijing Opera Championship.” 1996~1998


  1. PhD Thesis:

“The Formation of Taiwanese Classical Theatre, 1895-1937.” PhD diss., SOAS, University of London, 2014.

  1. MA Thesis:

         “A Comparative Study of Plays of Liyuanxi (the Classical Theatre of Southern Fukien) and Plays from Sothern Theatre of Song and Yuan Periods.” MA Thesis, National Taiwan University, 2006.


  1. Volume Articles:

     “The Formation of Taiwanese Themes in Taiwanese Classical Theatre   

         during the Japanese Colonial Period.” In International Xi Qu Academic  

         Conference 2021 & The Festschrift in Celebration of Academician Tseng,

         Yong-Yih’s 80th Birthday, edited by Hsueh-Yen Wang. Taipei: National  

         Taiwan College of Performing Arts, 2023.

 “The Rise and Fall of Cultural Theatre and New Theatre, from the 1920s

 to the 1960s.” In A Century of Development in Taiwan: From Colony to  

 Modern Sate, edited by Peter C.Y. Chow. UK: Edward Elgar, 2022.

 “The Communication Route and Center of Traditional Chinese Theatre in

  Taiwan during the 17th and the 18th Centuries, Revealed by Theatrical 

  Sources of Tayowan (Anping), Taiwan Prefectural City and Taiwan County.” In Nanying History, Society and Culture V: Early Tainan Region, edited by I-chang Liu and Ann Heylen. Tainan: Tainan City Government, 2019.

  1. Journal Articles:

“The Golden Age of Japanese Commercial Theatre in Taiwan during the Pre-war Period: A Case Study of 1913.” Taipei Theatre Journal 30 (2019).

Shingeki, Shinkageki, Bunkageki and Bunkakageki: The Forms and Themes of Modern Theatre in the Japanese Colonial Period, Revealed by Columbia Phonograph Recordings.” Taipei Theatre Journal 26 (2017).

“The Birth of Taiwanese Broadcasting Schedule, Radio Column and Children’s Program between 1928~1932, a Case Study of ‘Radio Column’ and ‘Children’s Time’ on Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo and Tainan Shinpo.Journal of History, Arts and Taiwanese Humanities 11 (2016).

“The Construction of the Study of Taiwanese Classical Theatre in Pre-War Time during the Japanese Colonial Period.” Taipei Theatre Journal 21 (2015).

         “Two Questions About The Bronze Bells of Xin-Yang Tombs.” Journal of Languages and Literature Education 2 (2004).


“The Formation of Taiwanese Themes in Taiwanese Classical Theatre during the Japanese Colonial Period.” 2021 International Xi Qu Academic Conference, 2021. 9

“A Multimedia Theatre of the Early 20th Century in TaiwanRensageki (Chain Theatre) during the Japanese Colonial Period.” Text, Image and Audiovisual Culture of Taiwan and East Asia International Conference, 2021. 6.


“A Dream of Modernity—The Rise and Fall of Bun-Hua-Kiok (Cultural theatre) and Sin-Kiok (New Theatre), from the 1920s to the 1960s.” Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, 2020.10.

“The Communication Route and Center of Traditional Theatre in Taiwan during the 17th and the 18th Centuries Revealed by Theatrical Sources of the Metropolis of Taiwan Prefectural, Tayowan (Anping) and Taiwan County.” International Conference on Tainan Area Studies, “Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Early Tainan Region (10th-18th Century),” 2017. 10.

“The Japanese Theatre in Taiwan during Taisho Period, a Case Study of 1914's Theatre News on Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo.” The International Conference on Literature and Culture, 2017. 6.

“The Transition from Classical Theatre to Modern Theatre, Revealed by Columbia’s Taiwanese Recordings.” The 2016 Malaysia International Conference on the Tradition, Progression and Development of Classical Chinese Poetry, 2016. 11.

“The Modernity of Kua-a-hi and Cai-ca-hi and the Origin of O-pe-la—A

Case Study of the Two Phonograph Records, Lian-ing Appears in Dreams

and The Tragedy of Ho-moi.” The Third Conference on Taiwanese

Theatrical History for Young Scholars, 2014. 6.

         “The Modern Construction of the Study of Taiwanese Classical Theatre by Japanese in the Pre-War Time during the Japanese Colonial Period.” The International Conference of the Retrospects and Prospects of Theatres Studies in Taiwan, 2014. 5.

         “The Birth of the Consciousness of Native Language and the Formation of Taiwanese Theatre: 1900s to 1930s.” The First Conference on Taiwanese Theatrical History for Young Scholars, 2012. 6.



